Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
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Example: Processing an Email Based on Incident Status

This example shows you how to create a quick action that changes the status of an incident from resolved to active whenever an email is received. There are two phases to this procedure: first create a quick action (to update the incident to active), then map the resolved status (for an incident) to the quick action.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Automation Tools > Quick Actions to open the Quick Actions Manager workspace.

2.Open the Quick Action Configuration window.

3.From the Create New Actions tab, click Send Email. The Quick Action Configuration (Send Email) page appears.

In either the From or To field, click Address Book. The Select Email Addresses window appears.

4.To add users, select the Users tab. To add teams, select the Teams tab. A list of users or teams appears.

5.At the bottom of the window, click Add. A blank field appears.

6.Enter the user or team email address, then click Add.

7.Click OK. The new item is added.

8.Add other information as needed, then click Save.

9.From the left panel, select the Create New Actions tab, then click Update Object from the list of options. The Update Object quick action fields appear.

Click Set Action Name, then enter a name for this quick action. Use a unique name or the application will not pick up the correct quick action.

Click Assign a Category, then select a category from the drop-down menu, such as form actions.

Choose the appropriate values from the Field name and Field value drop-down lists. In this example, choose Status for Field name and Active for Field value. You are mapping status updates to the incident record in the Tenant Email Status Mapping record.

In the right panel, from Publish to, choose the roles that need access to this action (such as administrator or Service Desk Analyst). You can select multiple roles.

Click Save to save the quick action. The quick action now appears under the Your Actions tab.

10.Within the Email Configuration workspace, select a host under Mail Host. Under the Inbox tab, select the inbox to map.

11.Under the Status Mapping tab, click New Tenant Email Status Mapping. The New Tenant Email Status Mapping window appears.

For Current Status, enter resolved.

For Quick Action, enter the name of the quick action that you created (in this case MyQuickAction).

Choose Enabled to activate the mapping.

Click Save.

Now when an email is sent referencing an incident in the resolved status, the incident changes to active status and the other default fields will be filled in as defined in the quick action.

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